When one investigates into the matter of modern terrorism, a different story emerges than what we're told. The news media says that terrorists are motivated by envy, a natural hatred for Jews and Americans, or because we're free. I think Terrorists do not exist because because of a natural hatred for Jews or us. They were cultivated by the insiders, (conspirators), or to be more exact, terrorists exist because they were created, bought and paid for by the elite. America and Russia, working as puppets of the elite, created most of the terrorists we see today. China is also in on that picture.
So what would happen if we stopped messing around in the Middle East and brought our troops home? The terrorists might or might not continue attacking us, but if they did, it would be because they would be ordered to by the elite, not because they hate the Jews and hate us. Why did we have the attack on 9/11 and had no attacks since then? Is our internal security so great that they can't make another attack? Israel, who has the best internal security in the world, has to live with terrorist attacks on an almost daily basis, yet the U.S. hasn't had any more attacks since 9/11 despite the fact that our southern borders are wide open.
Perhaps the answer to that conundrum is that the terrorists follow orders and they were told to do one attack, then back off. There is authentication for that observation. I read the secret report of a man named Vreeland, who was employed by the CIA, who testified that the terrorists were ordered to make an attack on 9/11 then stop, so that the elite could pass laws restricting our freedoms, such as the patriot act. That's what they wanted to do at this time.
So now let's get back to the present day. We have to know the truth so as not to be led around by the nose by the elite. What do we do about terrorists, if they are being led by our elite? Right now, there's nothing we can do about it until we return constitutional government back to the people. So if we stop mucking around in other countries, that may or may not result in more attacks, but we have to understand where the real motivation for the attacks come from and it isn't because we're free or because of envy, or hatred for Jews or Americans, but they do what they do because they are ordered to do so.
I remember when I was a missionary for the LDS Church in Brazil, there was a lot of anti-American sentiment there also, and it was motivated by the fact that our multi-national corporations were trying to take Brazil's natural resources. In other words, they hated us because we were in their country trying to take it over. It's the same for the Middle East. They hate us because we're over there.
But the real question is: What therefore should our foreign policy be? Should we be engaged in nation building, being the policeman of the world, or should we have a humble foreign policy and follow the advice of the Brethren and our founders, and not go looking for monsters to slay in the world? Being the policeman of the world is the desire and orders from the elite to our government, therefore, the right response for us is to resist the idea that we should try to tame the terrorists by going out and destroying them in their lands, but to defend our own territory. See 3 Nephi 3:20-21, Mormon 3:9-16: 4:1-2.
In other words, Ron Paul is absolutely right. We should not be engaged in nation building, it is the worst foreign policy we can do. It is just morally wrong. Wesley Clark, a former four star general, said, "The biggest crime of the 20th Century is American foreign policy."
The truth about our military presence around the world is clearly shown in the following video.
So what would happen if we stopped messing around in the Middle East and brought our troops home? The terrorists might or might not continue attacking us, but if they did, it would be because they would be ordered to by the elite, not because they hate the Jews and hate us. Why did we have the attack on 9/11 and had no attacks since then? Is our internal security so great that they can't make another attack? Israel, who has the best internal security in the world, has to live with terrorist attacks on an almost daily basis, yet the U.S. hasn't had any more attacks since 9/11 despite the fact that our southern borders are wide open.
Perhaps the answer to that conundrum is that the terrorists follow orders and they were told to do one attack, then back off. There is authentication for that observation. I read the secret report of a man named Vreeland, who was employed by the CIA, who testified that the terrorists were ordered to make an attack on 9/11 then stop, so that the elite could pass laws restricting our freedoms, such as the patriot act. That's what they wanted to do at this time.
So now let's get back to the present day. We have to know the truth so as not to be led around by the nose by the elite. What do we do about terrorists, if they are being led by our elite? Right now, there's nothing we can do about it until we return constitutional government back to the people. So if we stop mucking around in other countries, that may or may not result in more attacks, but we have to understand where the real motivation for the attacks come from and it isn't because we're free or because of envy, or hatred for Jews or Americans, but they do what they do because they are ordered to do so.
I remember when I was a missionary for the LDS Church in Brazil, there was a lot of anti-American sentiment there also, and it was motivated by the fact that our multi-national corporations were trying to take Brazil's natural resources. In other words, they hated us because we were in their country trying to take it over. It's the same for the Middle East. They hate us because we're over there.
But the real question is: What therefore should our foreign policy be? Should we be engaged in nation building, being the policeman of the world, or should we have a humble foreign policy and follow the advice of the Brethren and our founders, and not go looking for monsters to slay in the world? Being the policeman of the world is the desire and orders from the elite to our government, therefore, the right response for us is to resist the idea that we should try to tame the terrorists by going out and destroying them in their lands, but to defend our own territory. See 3 Nephi 3:20-21, Mormon 3:9-16: 4:1-2.
In other words, Ron Paul is absolutely right. We should not be engaged in nation building, it is the worst foreign policy we can do. It is just morally wrong. Wesley Clark, a former four star general, said, "The biggest crime of the 20th Century is American foreign policy."
The truth about our military presence around the world is clearly shown in the following video.
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